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For Busy Professionals To Reach Your Physical And Mental Peak
The best bulking foods (Including a grocery list)
It can be difficult to know what to have as part of a bulking diet. Which foods are the best?…5 quick and easy breakfasts to build muscle
We’re always told how important a good breakfast is, but most busy guys prioritise other things in the morning and…Here’s how to have alcohol and still get results on a bulking diet
You’ve come to get some answers to a common dilemma, right? You’ve been invited for drinks, you want to go,…How do I fix bulking diet bloating?
Bloating sucks. The burping, the feeling sick, your stomach constantly being swollen. It’s all part of bulking up… Or so…The Dirty Bulk Diet: Here’s everything you need to know
When we think of bulking up, we typically think of 1 type of diet: “The Bulking Diet”. However, there’s much…Clean Bulking: How To Avoid Gaining Fat When Bulking
When bulking up, most guys think of eating everything under the sun in order to gain some muscle mass. But…7 best weight gain supplements for skinny guys
Supplements have always been a big topic. They’re either given as A) a miracle cure by personal trainers B) a…The 15-Minute Strength and Muscle Building Hotel Room Workout For Weekend Warriors
You want to stay in shape (or improve it) whilst you’re on the road. But the problem is most hotel…How much weight should I lift as a beginner?
You enter the gym, hearing the screams and groans from the weights room. You place your workout sheets near the…Calorie and carb cycling for muscle growth
I remember when I first read about calorie cycling. It was in an issue of muscle and fitness magazine. Ahh…What should you have after a workout?
If you’ve ever… Drank a protein shake after a workout.Deliberately ate a meal every few hours.Tried to carb load. Then…Does it matter where the bulk of your calories fall?
When should I eat? Does it matter when I consume the bulk of my calories? Should I skip breakfast? These…When should you eat when bulking?
If you’re confused about how often you should eat then you’re not alone. It seems that every few weeks we’re…Fish oil explained: Omega-3 vs omega-6
Omega-3 and 6 might sound similar by namesake, but the effect each has on our bodies is drastically different. The…Fats for beginners wanting to build muscle
Fat is a big deal. Yet most of us avoid it. It doesn’t just change the shape of our bodies,…Carbs for beginners wanting to build muscle
Most of us love carbs. They're in all our favourite foods. But they do send us mixed messages: Are they…Protein for beginners wanting to build muscle
“You need more protein.” There’s no denying it or getting around it. It’s the most common problem skinny guys don’t…Everything a beginner should know about calories to build muscle
Calories are, without a doubt, the most important part of a bulking diet. Workout program being equal, they're what makes…What is a bulking diet?
Want to build muscle and bulk up, fast? It all starts here (and in your kitchen) with the basics of…Minimalist dips workout: build a stronger upper body with these 2 dip variations
The dip is one of the most underrated upper-body strength exercises. Whilst most guys are focusing on curls, tricep pushdowns…12 push-up variations to help you break through a funk and build upper body strength & size
In this article I'm going to give you 12 push-up variations you can add to your workout. If you’re a…Negative Pull-Ups: A little-known secret to increasing upper-body strength
Look at a muscular physique and you have no doubt that they'd be able to perform chin-ups without effort ...…